And this gift also meets the Diva Challenge #248 of last week...
zondag 27 december 2015
My husband wants to have a tattoo, he already talks about it for a couple of years now. But, he never put the step to a tottoo shop. Now he asked me to 'draw something' for him. What should it be ? How big/small must in be ? etc. I said I did not know how to begin, what he likes and so on. So he gave we a celic design he likes and saved on his computer a while ago as an example. Ah, that's a start ! I looked up some celtic designs on the internet, and this is what I came up with. I made three different designs (in a circle of 5cm), and gave them to my husband for Christmas. Curious what he will choose now for his tattoo - or may be it becomes still something else.
And this gift also meets the Diva Challenge #248 of last week...
And this gift also meets the Diva Challenge #248 of last week...
zondag 13 december 2015
Elsa and Anna Zia
Our children are very fond of the story and film of the ice princesses Elsa and Anna. So I made a ZIA for them of a nice picture out of their colour books.
And as the younghest is still in her horse-story-period I tangled a horse for her. I used a template of Ben Kwok's fb site Ornation Creation for this one ( I think I'll visit this group more often to create some nice ZIA's in the future too.
Ben Kwok,
ice princesses,
Ornation Creation,
woensdag 9 december 2015
Challenges Square One November
Yes, we are sitting downstairs again - our living room is finished ! And with a beautiful result. I even have another piano to practice my choral music pieces. Very nice !
Week one: Verve
Nice curved pattern !
Week two: Cyme
A pattern I like very much. Here I combined it with Tri-Bee in the background
Week one: Verve
Nice curved pattern !
Week two: Cyme
A pattern I like very much. Here I combined it with Tri-Bee in the background
Week three: paradox
News from Paris .... Unexpected , unbelievable, unfortunate. So i tried to focus on something else and made these flowerish paradox. Focus on something beautiful in live ..., so I created a flowerish paradox.
Week four: Pea Nucle
And here another one for Paris and Brussels, suffering of the terror threath these days. And as I work in Brussels, we are recommanded to work from home this week.
You can see Pea Nucle, Narwal, pozer, Schway in my tile.
Week four: Pea Nucle
And here another one for Paris and Brussels, suffering of the terror threath these days. And as I work in Brussels, we are recommanded to work from home this week.
You can see Pea Nucle, Narwal, pozer, Schway in my tile.
Pea Nucle,
Purely zentangle,
Square One,
terror treath,
donderdag 12 november 2015
White space
The Diva challenge of this week (#243) is to keep some white space on your tile. About 60% to 70%. Whow, what a challenge is this !
I used Verve for my tiles, and I made three of them. I think my tiles look like some wish-cards, where you can write your wish in the middle. May be I'll use them for Christmas or New Year !
I used Verve for my tiles, and I made three of them. I think my tiles look like some wish-cards, where you can write your wish in the middle. May be I'll use them for Christmas or New Year !
zondag 8 november 2015
Challenges Square One October
I'm less focused on creating some zentangles and follow the challenges, due to the renovation of our living room these last weeks. But, as we 'live' in a spar guestroom with the four of us, it's sometimes good for me that I can focus on my zentangles and leave other things as they are.
Week one: Jalousie
Jalousie and Fengle... looks like a carpet on my tile.
Week two: pokeroot
... is like mushrooms to me. So here is my Autumn tile.
Week three: Nymph
Whow, what a nice pattern ! But... no time to make a tile at first. Only after a few days I could try it and made this nice tile.
Week four: W2
I knew the pattern already, but never really used it. So, now is the time to do so. I made my W2 tile together with a variation of other patterns (Flux, Jetties, Nymph of last week)
Week one: Jalousie
Jalousie and Fengle... looks like a carpet on my tile.
Week two: pokeroot
... is like mushrooms to me. So here is my Autumn tile.
Week three: Nymph
Whow, what a nice pattern ! But... no time to make a tile at first. Only after a few days I could try it and made this nice tile.
Week four: W2
I knew the pattern already, but never really used it. So, now is the time to do so. I made my W2 tile together with a variation of other patterns (Flux, Jetties, Nymph of last week)
zondag 1 november 2015
Is was my birthday lastweek and I got some very beautiful coloured pens and watercolour pencils. I wanted to experiment with them immediately and I made some zendalas in my zentangle workbook I baught a while ago. I still need some practice, but here are already some nice results. Practicing will be easier now that our living room is finished after three weeks camping in the guestroom and I can sit again on my 'favorite spot'.
zaterdag 10 oktober 2015
Fengle on the Go
Tri-Bee is the Diva Challenge of this week (#238). It's a nice pattern of CZT Beate Winkler with a lot of possibilities for variation. I combined it here with Fengle.
It looks like my Fengle is walking. Where does this one go to ?
It looks like my Fengle is walking. Where does this one go to ?
vrijdag 2 oktober 2015
Challenges Square One September
I quickly post the tiles I made in September. I'll try to make some in October, but I don't know if I'll have time. So enjoy already these ones !
week one: Yincut
I made my Yincut tile with ING, Tipple and a few Jetties for a little accent in the tile. It looks quite nice to me !
week two: Inapod
Inapod is a pattern I already know, but I don't use it often. I have not yet found some good combinations with this one. Here I tried it with Narwal, Eddy Per and Frillee.
week three: Opus
This is a new pattern for me. So, first trying and then making my tile. I combined is with Cadent and made 2 tiles with it. My second one was in fact my first one, but I dit not not finish it because the curl goes over the tile. But end of the week, I finished it any way.
week four: Merinque
yes, I know this pattern and I used it already quit often. But the result is not always satifying. The curve does not always go where I want it. Here some new probes.
week five: Zenith
Zenith was a challenge on the Diva website a few weeks ago, and I participated there. Due to the renovation of our living room (it starts next week), I didn't have time to make another tile with Zenith. So here is my tile of a few weeks ago.
Purely zentangle,
Square One,
zondag 27 september 2015
Moving boxes
Nice Diva challenge this week (#236), "Tangle on some object you would normally not tangle on". What should I take, a picture out of a magazine, another thee cup, something of the children... I look around in our living room, and then I know it ! Our living room (and other rooms) is at the moment full of moving boxes, because we start renovating it next week and we have to empty the whole living room. Also quite a challenge !
So I started tangling on a moving box. Quite different from tangling on a tile. The patterns have to be bigger, and a steady hand is needed. I started friday evening while the childeren where looking another 'K3 is looking for K3' and I finished it yesterday. My youngest asked if she could have the box afterworths to put in her room with some stuff. "Because it is to beautiful to throw it away, mam". I hope you like it too !
Crescent Moon,
Henna Drum,
Knights Bridge,
zaterdag 19 september 2015
K3 is looking for K3
Yes, this is my post for the Diva Challenge #235 this week !
The challenge is to use stripes as a string in your tile. And I made this one while my children where looking 'K3 is looking for K3' on the Belgian television. Plenty of time to zentangle. May be I do it next week again, and try to make a series of K3-evening-tiles ! We'll see.
In this one I used Cadent, Buttercup, Cubine, Flutter, Baton, Isochor, Barberpole.
The challenge is to use stripes as a string in your tile. And I made this one while my children where looking 'K3 is looking for K3' on the Belgian television. Plenty of time to zentangle. May be I do it next week again, and try to make a series of K3-evening-tiles ! We'll see.
In this one I used Cadent, Buttercup, Cubine, Flutter, Baton, Isochor, Barberpole.
zaterdag 12 september 2015
Pimped book covers
September is already half way, and the children began at school again. The daily routine is on again. September is also the month of the new school stuff, books and covers. My eldest daughter loves to pimp her books and covers. She has always so much inspiration.
You can see some nice examples here, they are alle zentangle inspired. And I also zentangled one of her covers - the purple one. I tried to make it different from hers, by using flowery - and round patterns.
She is especially fond of elephants, because this is her "totem" (special name) in the scouts group.
You can see some nice examples here, they are alle zentangle inspired. And I also zentangled one of her covers - the purple one. I tried to make it different from hers, by using flowery - and round patterns.
She is especially fond of elephants, because this is her "totem" (special name) in the scouts group.
woensdag 2 september 2015
Zenith - challenge 233
Zenith is the new tangle we are asked to use in the Diva Challenge of this week (#233). Here you can see my tile, together with Phicops.
maandag 31 augustus 2015
Challenges square one July - August
In July, I only participated to two challenges, 'Munchin' and 'Hollibaugh' of the Square One Pure Zentangle facebookgroup. But I tangled a lot other things during our hollidays: the children's notebooks, stones etc. You can find it in the other items on my blog.
Here my tiles with Munchin and Hollibaugh.
Munchin I made in our hotel in Oxford, and Hollibaugh I made in our cottage in North Wales.
In August, I tried to follow some more challenges.
Week 1: Cirquital
I made a cirquital that looks also natural or organic, so I could also post if for the Diva Challenge this week. I'm quit happy with the result.
Week 2: Schway
This was a new pattern for me, so I had to learn it first. Not my fovorite yet, but I made this nice tile anyway, using the string of this weeks Diva Challenge.
Week 3: Jonqal
Another new pattern for me, this is why I like challenges. It forces you to learn new things and get inspired by it. This is a lovely pattern to me, I'll surely use it again in the future. Here my tile I made this week. Besides Jonqal I also used Eke, Tipple and a pearl
Week 4: Windfarm
Already the last week of the summer hollidays ! Time passes quickly. My Windfarm with Knightbridge in S-shapes.
Knights Bridge,
zaterdag 22 augustus 2015
Undulated tangling
This weeks Diva Challenge #231 posted by Sharla Hicks is to do some undulated tangling using the C ans S-shape. I'd never heard the word 'undulated' before, so I had to look it up first. It's like 'curving', oh that's nice. I also like curved lines very much. So I started to tangle immediately with the C and S shape, and made these series.
I liked the Sherla Rella, so I used it in all the tiles.
Last weeks Diva Challenge #230 was to make a zendala, using the proposed string published on the Diva site. I had never made a zendala up to now, and it was nice doing so. I'm quite happy with my result.
I liked the Sherla Rella, so I used it in all the tiles.
Last weeks Diva Challenge #230 was to make a zendala, using the proposed string published on the Diva site. I had never made a zendala up to now, and it was nice doing so. I'm quite happy with my result.
dinsdag 11 augustus 2015
Oxford towers and Welsh landscapes
Before we drove to our holliday cottage in Wales (July 2015), we visited Oxford for two days. What a marvelous city ! Colleges, Churches, towers all over. Everywhere beautiful buildings and we could take a pause in the meadows and near the river. Yes we had some nice sunny weather there.
I made this tile of it to remember our visit.
Once in Wales, I made some other nice zentangles in my holliday sketch book, I post them also here.
The frontpage of my sketch book
The Coast and Coast path of North Wales, after a long walk.
Welsh stones and hollibaugh
Clouds and sun above the sea in North Wales
Once in Wales, I made some other nice zentangles in my holliday sketch book, I post them also here.
The frontpage of my sketch book
The Coast and Coast path of North Wales, after a long walk.
Welsh stones and hollibaugh
Clouds and sun above the sea in North Wales
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