donderdag 6 augustus 2015

Lighthouse - Diva challenge #229

It's a while ago I made a post for the weekly Diva challenge, but the challenge of this week #229 had my attention.  (And also because of the time I can spend during the holliday's ofcourse)  The guest blogger Sandy Hunter asks us to focus on the white part on your tile. 

I still had a sketch in my sketch book that I dit not work out so far, and I thought is was perfect for this challenge.  It is a sketch of a new modern lighthouse that was build in Oostende (at the sea side in Belgium), and my husbend and I  saw it during our Easter holliday's there .  It had a big red pattern on the front, and I decided just to leave that part white in my tile, so it draws your attention.  I used Betweed, ING, Crescent moon, pearls for the lighthouse.  For the background I used Shattuck and Paradox.

I also post my tile for the previous challenge #228 of guest blogger Cari Sultanik, where we had to make a tile which looks organic or natural.  I post here my Cirquital tile I made last week for the Square One facebook group.  It it full of natural elements.

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